Health Guarantee

Initial Health Guarantee

1.) Within the first 72 hours (not counting weekends) following Puppy’s delivery to Purchaser, Purchaser shall take Puppy to a licensed veterinarian for a health check (hereafter, the “Initial Health Check”).

2.) In the unlikely event that the veterinarian diagnoses Puppy with a serious health condition during the Initial Health Check, Purchaser shall report all such health conditions to Seller within 24 hours of the Initial Health Check.

3.) To trigger the Pet Find SA LLC’s Limited Health Guarantee, Purchaser must first provide Seller with a veterinarian report, in writing, identifying the health condition of Puppy. This report must identify the microchip identification number along with Puppy’s name, and date of birth. The report must be clear and precise stating the symptoms, exact problem, how severe and what tests have been performed and/or are needed to correct the problems.

4.) The Initial Health Guarantee does NOT cover kennel cough, a cold, bloat, coccidiosis, manage, fleas, worms, ear mites, heart worm, Parvo, Coronavirus, pneumonia, bacterial infections, Distemper, Giardia Lamblia, or Lyme Disease. These are diseases that if treated, are not life threatening and do not adversely affect the health of the dog. Along with above mentioned diseases, other conditions like; Demodectic Mange, grade 1 or 2 heart murmur, grade 1 or 2 Luxating Patella, bladder stones, cherry eye, inverted eye lids as in entropion or extropion eye conditions, inverted tails, testicle descending issues can arise and are not covered by the Initial Health Guarantee. There are also issues that are considered breed specific and normal to some types of dogs. For example; Bulldogs and Neapolitan Mastiffs can develop issues such as cherry eye, entropion, loose hips, and skin allergies including Demodectic Mange. None of these conditions are considered life threatening and do NOT adversely affect the health of the dog. The veterinarians used by Seller screen for all of the above conditions and diseases prior to transport.

5.) If it is determined, at Seller’s discretion, that the health condition of Puppy identified in the veterinarian report is severe, Seller shall provide to Purchaser a replacement dog of equal or greater value, consistent with the procedure described in Section 6, below.

6.) The failure by Purchaser to (i) obtain an Initial Health Check within this 72 hour period, or (ii) report any serious health conditions to Seller for Seller’s consideration will result in the cancellation of the Pet Find SA LLC’s Limited Health Guarantee and void all warrantees stated in this Agreement.

Waiver Of Health Guarantee

1.) The Initial Health Guarantee and Three-Year Limited Guarantee are null and void if any of the abovementioned conditions are not met, or if there is a change of ownership of Puppy.

2.) Purchaser waivers any health guarantees associated with this Agreement if Puppy has been physically mistreated or deprived of proper nutrition, worked or excessively exercised giving rise the injury or other defective condition.

3.) Seller is not responsible for any physical injuries sustained by Puppy while in Purchaser’s care.

4.) Seller is not responsible for Puppy if it has suffered neglect, mistreatment, or exhibits temperament faults which are the result of lack of training or abuse by Purchaser.

Replacement Of Dog

In the event Purchaser exercises either the Initial Health Guarantee or Three-Year Limited Guarantee, consistent with the conditions set forth in this Agreement, Purchaser will have 6 months from the date Purchaser notified Seller of the tragic event to choose a replacement dog from Seller. To exercise this right, Purchaser must notify Seller in writing and during 6 month period of desire to acquire new, replacement dog. All transportation charges incurred in connection with any replacement dog will be the sole responsibility of the Purchaser.